Saturday, February 25, 2012

We made it back safe and sound from the cruise, and we had a wonderful time. We left out of Miami and visited Jamaica and Grand Cayman. The kids thought the cruise was fantastic and have both commented about wanting to be back on the boat!

Many of you know me personally and many of you don't know me. For the ones that do know me, you know that my mind works at an amazing speed and it's very hard for me to shut my brain down and just relax. As you can imagine, my brain has been in overload the past few weeks and this trip was so needed. Can I just tell you that God allowed my brain to shut down during that week!!! For 6 wonderful days, I really didn't think about much other than being in the moment. That truly is a miracle. I'm so grateful for that time away and many people made that possible for us. Thank you so much!

Speaking of miracles, I'd like to share some of the miracles God has so graciously given to our family over the past few years. Sometimes, I think we get focused on the "Big" miracle and we forget to see how God works and gives even in the littlest things. My first praise to God is that he gives me peace and comfort that only He can give. My natural body and mind want to just curl up in a ball and hide in the corner & give up but God gives me this indescribable strength to get up each morning and walk through each day knowing that He is in control and that everything will be ok no matter what is to come. God makes it possible for me to smile and laugh each day!

With Jason, it is amazing that he walks, talks, teaches, etc with so much cancer and swelling inside his head. He does it with ease--truly the work of God. Also, throughout the past four years of treatment, Jason's blood counts have always been normal. We have never had to worry about him being able to receive his chemo treatments because of his blood counts being too low. This is another miracle as many of you are aware that blood counts are usually affected  by chemo and make the person more prone to infections and such. These are just a few of God's miracles that He has given us. It's so easy to focus our prayers on getting rid of the cancer all together but I never want to miss all the prayers that God answers each and every day!

Thanks again for all of your love, support and prayers!

Friday, February 10, 2012

We know that a lot of people have been wanting to help us out in some way or another. The following people have graciously offered to coordinate any events that you may wish to get started. Please call one of them to discuss further details.

Jackie Fermoyle, Bullock Creek Middle School Counselor        631-2418  Ext. 1407

Jenny Keister, Bullock Creek Schools Social Worker               631-2418   Ext. 1618

Julie Rinn, Bullock Creek Middle School Teacher                     631-2418   Ext. 1443

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things have been busy lately. Lots going on. I have just one week of school left then I will step out of the program for the time-being. Then, we are headed on a lovely cruise for some quality family time. The kids are absolutely thrilled (and so is their mommy)!

We just wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and encouragement that you all have given us! It means the world to us. Blessings! Jos