Saturday, August 2, 2008

Better Now

Well the last day and a half have been eventful for us. Jason woke up early Friday morning feeling funny and not being able to sleep well. It continued to get worse for him throughout the day. When I returned home from work, he was feeling extremely exhausted, had headaches off and on, his thoughts were confused and he was a bit disoriented. I called a friend doctor of ours, and he said that I should take Jason to the emergency room. So we went there, and they started to administer a higher dose of his steroid due to some increased swelling in his brain. He started to feel much better about an hour later. He was admitted to the hospital for the night, and when I went to see him this morning, he was back to "normal". So the plan is to stay on the steroid until the swelling is back under control, and we will see what the doctors at Duke have to say on Aug. 11th.

We are now back home and it feels good. It's times like these that I get frustrated as things are completely out of my control, and all of you that know me, know that I like to be in control! Thank you Trina & Loren for watching our kids during the day yesterday and thank you Dennis & Lynda for taking the kids overnight. We appreciate all of your help and prayers. May God bless you! Joslyn & Jason


MJLRosebrook said...

I hope Aug. 11 gets here quickly for both of you. Oh- the waiting! Hang in there, we're praying for you!
Jess Rosebrook

Anonymous said...

Jos, I recently had a meltdown moment when I felt like I needed to understand why I don't seem to be getting better very quickly. I read pages 171-72 in my book, the one that I sent to you, and it really helped. Love, Janis

angela said...

thank you for this update! i've been wondering! i know it is hard to see, but His ways truly are higher and greater than ours; even (especially?) when we can't see!
love to the whole family,

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

You guys are very much in our thoughts and prayers! Hugs!

Unknown said...

Came across your blog. You're in our prayers as you revell in the hope and strength of our Savior.

10 years ago I stood in the room while a world-class oncologist told us to get my mother's things in order as she had 6 weeks.

Tonight we'll be celebrating my son's 13th birthday with her in her home: 10 years, 2 surgeries, 6 full radiation cycles & 58 months of chemo: all lit by the light of Christ and the determination of a warrior.

Your faith, hope and salvation being assured, now live. Let no one discourage you, let no treatment frieghten you, let no stone go unturned, with Christ and your family so beautifully at your side, charge forward joyously.

Thanks for the beautiful posts.

All Christ's blessings to you and yours.