Sunday, October 12, 2008

Roller coasters

Hello all. Can you believe that it is already the middle of October?! The time is just flying by. This past year has been a roller coaster of a ride and I am so grateful that God is going over the hills into the unknown before we are. God truly does give you peace about the unknown if you are just willing to ask and then follow Him. These past few weeks I have been a bit emotional--many times ending in tears--some tears of joy, some tears of sadness, some tears of not knowing. Do you ever have times in your life where you feel God is just calling out to you and pulling you in towards Him so His arms are wrapped so tight around you that you know that it can only be God comforting you? I have had this feeling for the last couple of weeks and I am so glad that I know that my God loves me and cares about how I am feeling and knows how to comfort me.

Jason heads into his 4th round of treatment tomorrow (Monday, Oct. 13th at 3:15) and I would just ask that you would keep in your prayers. Pray for him to continue to feel strong and healthy, that he will tolerate the treatment just like he has the past 3 times, and that he, too, finds comfort in our Almighty God (and that he would know what to do with his wife when she enters these times of huge crocodile tears:)! Blessings on your week, Jason & Joslyn


Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you tomm. and everyday.

Reece Family

Anonymous said...

It is about that time right now and I am praying that God keep Jason safe and protected. Love, Janis

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. I thank you again for sharing your story and being so open. Your journey has been a great encouragement to me. May God continue to carry you through all those times when you don't feel you can walk on your own.

Donna and Terry

clarkfam said...

We have been saying a little prayer for your family ever night before bed. Brody always asks me when we're done praying, "who is Joslyn and Jason?" So then I explain it to him. He says he'd like to meet my friends some day. I thought it was very cute. I hope the treatment is going well.