Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, Dr. Reardon said the MRI looks good and stable. The plan is to continue with his treatments as usual and we don't have to come back to Duke for 18 weeks. We will still send them his MRIs every 6 weeks but we really didn't want Jason to miss any baseball. The doc was fine with that since Jason is doing so well. In August, Jason will have a PET scan done. That will show if there is any "active cells". MRIs don't show whether or not tumor cells are dying off or not but the PET scan will. They assume since there has not been any growth that the cells are dying off but won't know that for sure until the PET scan. Praising God!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My educated guess

After looking at Jason's MRI last night, I have to say the tumor appears to be stable. There didn't seem to be any changes that I could see. We'll have to wait to hear officially from the doctor on Monday though. God is good! Joslyn

Monday, January 19, 2009

Mixed emotions

It's been a while since I have really written much. Not that I haven't wanted to write, just not sure what to write--so I didn't write anything.

Today brings mixed emotions for me. Last year on this day, Jason got his very first MRI done. We had no idea about his cancer at this time and he was only getting the MRI done to rule out worst case scenarios at least that is what the doc said. I had actually been telling Jason to suck it up a little--all he was having were some headaches (heck, I have them daily--what's his deal). Can you imagine if he would have listened to me?! I'm so glad that he chose to ignore his wife that time and went with his gut feeling that something wasn't right (keep in mind, Jason thought he had a pinched nerve or something). After the doc ordered the MRI, I had a very yucky feeling from that day until we actually got "the call". Jason and I hadn't said anything to each other about the MRI until the day before we got the call. I looked at Jason when we were driving home from church and asked him the question that I hadn't been able to shake "what if it is a tumor?" Jason just looked at me and said, "it won't be."

On the 21st, Jason called me just as I was walking in the house from dropping Taylor off for preschool. When I saw his phone number show up, I knew the call wasn't going to be a good one. You know those feelings that you get--well that's what I had and as soon as I heard Jason's voice--I knew. He didn't have to say anything further, his voice said it all and that is when our lives flipped upside down.

So fast forward a year, and here we are on the 19th of January again and Jason is getting another MRI. I have been a bit anxious all day and suppose I won't really feel calm until we hear what the doctors at Duke say next Monday. So, now instead of waiting to hear that everything is just fine, we wait to hear whether the cancer is shrinking, stable, or progressing. The hardest part is the "not knowing" part. So the waiting begins--please pray for my nerves to be calm, my mind to have peace, and my heart to have comfort during this next week.

Blessings, Joslyn

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Some more

Some pics from Christmas

Can you believe that 2008 is gone? It went by so fast, yet at times, it felt like an eternity. I will admit, I am not sad to see 2008 gone. It was a year of pain, hopelessness, and sadness. Yet, it was also a year to grow in my faith, to be challenged, and to somehow find hope again. With the passing of 2008 comes also another milestone for us--we are coming up on a year of Jason discovering his cancer--January 19th. Thinking back to this time last year, who would have ever imagined that our family's world would have been turn upside down and rocked in all ways. When we first discovered Jason's illness, I didn't know how in the world I was going to make it through the next day let alone an entire year. Yet, somehow I managed. I can only give credit to God in all of this--He definitely carried me most of the way. Although, I must say, it has been truly awesome to see all the love and support from all of you as well. You all made each day somehow bareable. So I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping to bring me to a new year. Do I know what 2009 has in store for us--absolutely not. However, I do know that God with be my strength through whatever comes our way. Wishing you all a wonderful New Year and may God bless you abundantly! Joslyn