Thursday, June 5, 2008


I tell you what--"stable" is my new favorite word right now. We got a call from our nurse at Duke about 5:15 today and she said that the doctors reviewed Jason's MRI and told her to tell us that the tumor is stable. Whaoh praise God! As many of you can imagine, my mind has been just a racing these past couple of weeks waiting for Jason to get his next MRI done. Had all kinds of things running through my mind during the day and then a ton of dreams at night. I thought I might lose my mind with asking all the what if questions. I'm so glad that time period is done now. He went in Tuesday morning to have the MRI and I couldn't get the results fast enough but I told myself that I would wait until Friday before I starting calling the docs. Well I didn't even have to do that.

I am praising God for "stable".

Also, an update on Jason's eye sight. He went to the eye doctor again today and his doctor is very pleased with Jason's progress. His sight is much improved from just over a month's worth of time. The doc told him that this might be as good as the eyes get and if it is--he is happy.

What a great day! Joslyn


MaryBeth said...

Great news on "stable" and eyesight for Jason. It was disappointing that the boys lost. But as you and Jason know so well, it isn't the end, just a time to start anew. New challenges, new people and new successes. Jason did an amazing job and so did his boys. They all will be back next season on the field to do battle again. Maybe with some new warriors, but with the same heart. Because Jason has taught them all, actually everyone, about heart.

Hope and Rob said...

Praising God with you!!! All our love!

Anonymous said...

Stable is good!! We continue to pray for Jason and your family.
Love ya!
Kristin Haynes

angela said...

praise God from Whom all blessings flow!