Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Taylor is turning 5

Our little girl is growing up way too fast:( She'll be turning 5 this Saturday and she is getting ready to start kindergarten. She's already informed me that she wants to ride the bus her first day and not have me take her to school--she's always been Miss Independent!

Jason and I are surprising Taylor on her birthday by making over her bedroom. We are painting her walls purple--her favorite color, getting her new bedding, curtains, and a Hanna Montana lamp. She should really like it and she won't see it until Saturday after her birthday party at the beach. She's looking forward to her big day.

All is well with Jason at this time. He's seeing Dr. Hurtubise on Wednesday next week and we should be able to schedule his next treatment to be done here in Midland on Sept. 2nd--what a wonderful birthday gift for Jason--not! Did you know he's turning 30 that day.

Hoping everyone has a great time these next couple of weeks before school starts up. Blessings, Jason & Joslyn


Anonymous said...

Since purple is her favorite color, can I assume she will be attending Swan Valley then? :) Congrats! Go Wright State!!!!

Brian Stephens

MaryBeth said...

Oh my goodness. Was that blasphemy I just read on this blog? haha She may love purple, but she looks beautiful in black and gold. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!! I'll be sure to tell Britt it is your birthday. Have a good weekend. School starts so quickly, where did the summer go?

Anonymous said...

Taylor sounds just like Austin about riding the bus this year, but mommy still wants to take him and pick him, so guess we'll see who wins come next Wednesday morning! He starts kindergarten this year too, and he goes all day every day which is going to be a big change for me. Austin is excited, so I won't let him see my tears!!

P.S. My favorite color is purple too!!

Anonymous said...

Jason - ckecking your wonderful website and praying for you every day! You are the finest gentleman/athlete that I had the priviledge to watch and even coach for a couple of great summers. You are an inspiration to everyone. As you may recall, I'm living proof that medical miracles do happen! Stage 4 inoperable lymphoma at 24- fat and happy at age 47! You have a wonderful family and creeker support system! But I know if Dr. Hurtebuise takes a blood sample next week -- he will be surprised that the color is columbia blue and white :) Love and Regards, Don Fillmore