Thursday, October 30, 2008

200 patients

On Wednesday, we went to another ministry called Heartline Ministries to hold a medical clinic for them. They have a women's center that teaches them about prenatal care, post partum care, family planning, birthcontrol, and a trade like sewing so the women can bring in some income for their families. This type of center is vital for the country of Haiti. This ministry also has an orphanage for boys & girls and they can have up to 20 kids. It was interesting to see how their orphanage was set up and ran--I'm sure it will give Three Angels some ideas to use at our orphanage.
We had told Heartline that we would be able to see about 70 patients so they handed out 200 tickets. We were able to see the 200 patients in about 6 hours with 3 providers--this was definitely God's doing and not our's. Just to put it in prospective on Monday we saw around 85 patients with 3 providers in 8 hours!
A family of 5 came in together to see the doctor's and they were tested for HIV because we knew that the mom was HIV positive. Unfortunately for this family, all of them tested positive--can you imagine finding out in one day that your entire family was HIV positive? Pray for this family, pray that they will be able to receive the treatment that they will need and pray that they would seek God for their hope during this most difficult time.

Blessings to all, Joslyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another God story. You continue to inspire through your sharing.