Sunday, November 2, 2008

Off to Duke

Jason and I leave for Duke again today--six weeks really goes fast. His appointment is at 10:30 with the Doctor and then he has treatment at 11:45 on Monday. I will post as soon as I can with the results. We will return Tuesday afternoon.

Back to the Haiti stories:
Sunday, Oct. 19th, we went to Port Au Prince Fellowship for church and I must say "wow". Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit just pouring over you and out of you? That is what I felt during this service--I don't think that I have ever felt the Holy Spirit's presence like I did that day. The pastor is an American that has been in ministries in Haiti for 19 years and everything was spoken in English. The majority of the church members are Haitian and so is the worship band. We started the service with about 6 or 7 praise songs. Then, they had guest speakers from 2 areas that were hit extremely hard by the hurricanes, Gonieves & Caberet. It was heartwrenching to hear about the destruction and the loss that those people are experiencing right now. They spoke about everyone being the hands & feet of Jesus to those in need and that we needed to get to these areas literally and help them with food, water, and hope. After those 2 gentlemen spoke, the pastor spoke about missions during his sermon. How appropriate--here we are on a mission trip to help the people of Haiti and the people of Haiti are being encouraged to help others around the world like China & Africa. Then church ended with some more praise and worship songs. I could hardly contain myself--church had lasted 2 hours already and I could've gone another 2. Tears were pouring down my face while I was praising our Lord--arms in the air, dancing, singing (I don't have too great of a voice but this day I felt like I did:) smiling, and crying all at once and I didn't care who saw me or what they thought of me. I had complete joy--boy, do I wish that I could do those things here in my own church and not worry about what others are thinking of me or them thinking that I have become a complete nut about the Lord. I wish that my earthly mind would just diminish and that my soul would just open up to my Lord the way I want it to. I wish that I didn't care what others thought of me and only cared about what my Lord thinks of me--I pray for this kind of thinking. I pray for that true joy and happiness again. I believe that is why it is so hard to come home after time spent on a mission trip--you see and feel what true joy is and often recognize that you don't have that true joy in our every day living. Dear Lord, allow me the pleasure of basking in your love. Allow me to find true joy in my everyday living. Allow me to to seek your approval and not the approval of others. Amen. Blessings to all, Joslyn

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