Monday, June 18, 2012

How does one begin to say thank you to so many people that have blessed our family in the past couple of weeks. The love, support, prayers, donations, visits, food, cleaning, yard work, etc have been so much more than we could've ever imagined. The support this community has given to our family shows just how awesome of a place Midland is to live. Jason was loved by so many--I don't even think we as his family realized how much of an impact he made in people's lives until just these past couple of weeks. Thank you doesn't seem like enough in times like these, but it will have to do. Many thanks to Smith-Miner Funeral Home, Messiah Lutheran Church, Bullock Creek School District, Bullock Creek Community, Midland Daily News, TV 5, family and friends that have so graciously given their time, talents and gifts to our family. Most importantly, thank you to our Mighty God for His love, grace and peace!

Blessings to you all,
Joslyn, Taylor and Easton
& The Family of Jason Krenzke

Monday, June 4, 2012

God's glory has been revealed my sweet friends!

Jason received his prize of heaven Saturday morning (6/2/12). He now looks down on us with a smile on his face!

Here are a few links you can take a look at:
article in the Midland Daily News

article in the sports section of Midland Daily News

TV 5 news story

Jason's obituary

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I know many of you have been waiting for an update on what's happening in the Krenzke household, but we have had a lot going on--much of it not so great. There's been so much happening the last few weeks, I'm only going to give the main points.

*Jason's appt at Duke on May 15th showed that his cancer continues to grow, and we have seen changes in Jason almost on a daily basis. I'm not going to go into a bunch of specifics but we can definitely tell that the cancer is affecting him.
*Jason chose to retire on May 17th from teaching to spend more time with the kids and me. This was a decision he made and he felt great in doing it. So congratulate him rather than feel sorry for him.
*I decided it was time for me to take some time off of work so that I could be more available for Jas and the kids. My break began May 22nd.
*Jason started having some discomfort in his belly on Thurs, May 24th & he ended up vomiting which relieved a lot of pressure and took away some of his heartburn he was experiencing.
*Friday morning, he was still having a lot of heartburn and some pain when he would move. We decided to go to see our family Doctor. After examining him, and based on Jason's responses to questions, it was decided that he had a hematoma in his abdominal muscle from a fall Jason had taken a week prior and that he was dehydrated as he hadn't eaten anything since Wed and had very little to drink. Jason had very little pain when his abdomen was palpated--at one point he even laughed a bit because it tickled. We went over to the infusion center & had 2 liters of fluid pushed through him. As we were getting ready to leave, Jas was burping and the nurse smelled it (he had been doing this for the last couple of days but only he and I had smelled it) & she said that it smelled a lot like feces. She said that she thought he may have an obstruction in his bowel. She had us call our Dr again.
*Dr. sent us to the ER for Jason to have a CT scan of his bowels.
*Jason had a severe high grade small bowel obstruction. The doctors explained to Jas that he was a very sick guy (remember, Jason had very little pain. Most people present to the ER with severe pain and are doubled over when they have an obstruction of the bowel--it is a very painful thing).
*Jason made the decision not to undergo surgery after all things were explained to him. He wanted to come home and spend as much time with his family as he could.
*Jason was discharged from the hospital Sat. evening and has been home since. He had an NG tube placed so that we could suction him out a few times a day. The NG tube has made him the most uncomfortable so he is going in tomorrow to have a tube placed in his stomach so that we can suction from that vs. the NG tube. He's so excited about this.
*This is the part that I don't really know what to say or how to say it--but here goes. Jason now has two terminal things happening and it looks as if the bowel obstruction takes precedence at this time. Hospice has been called in (this was going to happen whether or not he had the obstruction--it just made it happen a few days sooner). Dear friends and family, Jason is at peace with what is happening to him. He knows that he is getting the prize & that prize is heaven. He just doesn't understand why he gets to have the reward so soon. Praise Jesus that Jason knows exactly where he's going. Also know that Jason has not lost hope. On the contrary, he has more hope than one would ever fathom. He knows that God gives miracles--look at all the miracles God's given Jas and I each and every day since the day Jason was originally diagnosed in Jan. 2008!
*Jason knows that so many of you love and care for him, and he's grateful for each of you. We've now come to a point in time where time with his immediate family is highly valued. He's looking to spend all of his time being with the ones who love him most. We kindly ask that you not stop by to visit at this time. If you feel as if you would like to share some words with Jason, please email them to me at, and I will gladly pass the messages on to him. Also for those closest to him, you can call or text me to see if Jason is up for a short visit. We so appreciate you're understanding in this area.
*Allow me to close with a couple of verses that Jason has posted on his facebook page:

Psalm 5:11-12  But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;let them ever sing for joy,and spread your protection over them,that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O Lord;you cover him with favor as with a shield.

Romans 14:8  For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.

Philippians 4:19  And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

May the Lord bless you today and everyday friends! Joslyn

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Well the month of April is almost done--I cannot believe how fast time seems to be going these days. We are just a few days away from opening day for softball and baseball! This is always an exciting time of year for us--busy but a good busy. Easton turns 7 this Thursday--just doesn't seem possible. For his birthday, he wanted his bedroom redone. He chose Michigan colors. His room is freshly painted and now we're just waiting for his loft bed to come in to finish the room up completely. It looks good so far!

Jason had another MRI a week & a half ago. This was sooner than he normally has one--we weren't really sure what the reasoning for the MRI was just that the local oncologist wanted it. He typically goes 8 weeks between MRIs but this time it was only 4 weeks. As you recall, the MRI in March was stable. Unfortunately, this last MRI in April showed progression--new enhancement and a little more mass effect. Dr V at Duke feels that the medicines Jason was on have ran their course. Jason is starting two new oral chemotherapies today. We have a regular scheduled appointment to go to Duke on May 15 and Jason will be getting another MRI before going down there.

With the last MRI and the changes that Dr V saw on it, he feels it is best that Jason no longer drive. We knew this day would come but it doesn't really make it any easier. One thing we do know is that we have fantastic friends and family that are more than willing to help us out in this area--we are blessed beyond measure!

A few of you have asked, and I'm sure many of you have wondered, what our children know. Our kids have always known that their daddy has brain cancer, he has to go to the doctor a lot so that they can give him medicines, and there are some things daddy just can't do because of his cancer. After learning about Jason's cancer being very active and such in January of this year, we did sit down with the kids and talk with them. We explained that daddy's cancer was back and that it was serious. We told them about the changes we were making because of this--not coaching, stepping out of nursing school, etc. We felt that information was best for them, appropriate and truthful. This past weekend, we felt it was time to talk with them again and give them a little more information about things that are going on with daddy and things that may happen with him as well. I'm not going to go into the details of our conversation as I feel it was a very difficult yet special conversation we had with our children. Timing is important with these kinds of talks but the manner in which they are approached and handled is even more important. I feel our conversation with the kids went the best that it could have gone considering the depth and rawness of the talk. God gave both Jason and I just the right words--we thank our Heavenly Father for being with us!!! In a nutshell, I believe our children walked away with a better understanding of the things to come with their daddy, they know that the doctor's are doing all they can to help daddy but they also know that the doctor's do not think that his cancer is going to go away, they know that they can come to their mom & dad at any time if they have questions or concerns and we'll be truthful with them, and most importantly, they know that they are loved and that they are very important to us. We have two of the most amazing children and my heart breaks for their little hearts. However, I'm choosing to hold onto God's promises:
Psalm 73 : 23
"Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand."
Deuteronomy 31 : 6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you or forsake you."

May each of you know just how much our God loves you!!! Be blessed today and everyday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

These past few weeks have been an absolute blessing from our God--don't you agree? The weather has been magnificent--He knows what sunshine and warmth does for me and He's given it at just the perfect time. But the weather has not been the only blessing. What a great few weeks we've had with friends and family. The ability to reconnect with people we haven't seen in years and literally pick up where we "left off" is awesome!!! We got to spend a fantastic day & night with one of Jason's closest friends (Matt, we love you), a few weeks ago--he flew up for the weekend and got to see Easton put on a show at his hockey tournament. We then met up with a bunch of other friends that evening at BWW's. I smiled, laughed, cried, and repeated that series many times that night--I am so grateful for our friends!

Easton had a few hockey games and tournaments after we got back from the cruise. It is amazing how much he has improved. He's a terrific skater, knows the game, and works hard--that makes me proud! Hockey is now over, and we are gearing up for baseball & softball. Cannot wait!

At the beginning of March, we headed down to Ohio and stayed with Jason's college roommate and his family (Matt & Annie). Just like old times! They hosted a great day--many of Jason's Wright State baseball teammates & friends came out. My college roommates came too--Michelle & Chris--this meant the world to me. Nobody has really changed, yet they have changed--does that make sense? Much love to each of you!!!

We've taken on the project of redoing our bathrooms--I've had some extra time on my hands and needed to keep myself busy so we are 3/4 way complete on the first bathroom. It looks great, and I have to give a huge shout out to our friend,Troy, & Jason's dad, Dennis! We thank you immensely for your help :)

Taylor has joined the Girls on the Run program this spring at her school. It's an awesome program. Their mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. They will run a 5k in May. I told Taylor that I would run it with her---gulp!!! So, together, we are training for this! Should be a great way for us to connect and do something good for ourselves at the same time.

Jason is feeling good. He had a MRI last week, and it was stable--this means no changes from the last scan in January. We praise God for this!!!

Well, I'm off to enjoy another beautiful day! Hugs to each of you, Jos

Saturday, February 25, 2012

We made it back safe and sound from the cruise, and we had a wonderful time. We left out of Miami and visited Jamaica and Grand Cayman. The kids thought the cruise was fantastic and have both commented about wanting to be back on the boat!

Many of you know me personally and many of you don't know me. For the ones that do know me, you know that my mind works at an amazing speed and it's very hard for me to shut my brain down and just relax. As you can imagine, my brain has been in overload the past few weeks and this trip was so needed. Can I just tell you that God allowed my brain to shut down during that week!!! For 6 wonderful days, I really didn't think about much other than being in the moment. That truly is a miracle. I'm so grateful for that time away and many people made that possible for us. Thank you so much!

Speaking of miracles, I'd like to share some of the miracles God has so graciously given to our family over the past few years. Sometimes, I think we get focused on the "Big" miracle and we forget to see how God works and gives even in the littlest things. My first praise to God is that he gives me peace and comfort that only He can give. My natural body and mind want to just curl up in a ball and hide in the corner & give up but God gives me this indescribable strength to get up each morning and walk through each day knowing that He is in control and that everything will be ok no matter what is to come. God makes it possible for me to smile and laugh each day!

With Jason, it is amazing that he walks, talks, teaches, etc with so much cancer and swelling inside his head. He does it with ease--truly the work of God. Also, throughout the past four years of treatment, Jason's blood counts have always been normal. We have never had to worry about him being able to receive his chemo treatments because of his blood counts being too low. This is another miracle as many of you are aware that blood counts are usually affected  by chemo and make the person more prone to infections and such. These are just a few of God's miracles that He has given us. It's so easy to focus our prayers on getting rid of the cancer all together but I never want to miss all the prayers that God answers each and every day!

Thanks again for all of your love, support and prayers!

Friday, February 10, 2012

We know that a lot of people have been wanting to help us out in some way or another. The following people have graciously offered to coordinate any events that you may wish to get started. Please call one of them to discuss further details.

Jackie Fermoyle, Bullock Creek Middle School Counselor        631-2418  Ext. 1407

Jenny Keister, Bullock Creek Schools Social Worker               631-2418   Ext. 1618

Julie Rinn, Bullock Creek Middle School Teacher                     631-2418   Ext. 1443

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Things have been busy lately. Lots going on. I have just one week of school left then I will step out of the program for the time-being. Then, we are headed on a lovely cruise for some quality family time. The kids are absolutely thrilled (and so is their mommy)!

We just wanted to say thank you for all the prayers and encouragement that you all have given us! It means the world to us. Blessings! Jos

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Life Changes

After hearing just one sentence, one instantly realizes what's truly important in his/her life. Time is so very precious & limited. And when times like these are upon someone, there's choices to be made. Jason and I are extremely thankful that God has given both of us such love and grace. God is the one that gives us the strength to wake each morning and find hope and peace in the new day. We are making some life changes today so that we may live each day to the fullest and make as many memories with our children, family and friends as possible. Although Jason has thoroughly enjoyed coaching the Creek baseball team, he has decided that it is time for him to step down as head coach. This is not to say that you won't see him out at the field watching or maybe even helping the team out at times.This decision allows for some much needed & desired Daddy, Taylor, and Easton time! I have also decided to step out of my nursing program at this time so that I, too, can be included in that Daddy, Taylor & Easton time! Our hope is that some fabulous memories will be made in the days and weeks to come & that our children will have them to cherish & remember for many years to come.

We do not know what the future holds, but we do know that today is a good day & so it makes for a great day to spend it with family & friends. So if you're wondering whether or not to call or visit, just remember that today is a good day & we'd love to share some laughs & make some more memories!

Please know that Jason, myself, and the kids greatly appreciate your love, support and prayers! May God bless each of you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

PET Scan results

Jason and I just got back home from Duke. He had his PET scan this morning. The results were not what we were hoping for. The scan was what they call "very hot" which means that there is a lot of active cancer cells. When we asked about the size of it, Dr. V said that he estimates it to be the size of a grapefruit. Surgery & radiation are not an option. Jason's treatment now will include taking a low dose of oral chemo daily along with another drug that he will take 7 days on & then 7 days off. He will also have Avastin every three weeks. The doctors anticipate that the side effects will be minimal & may even feel like a respite from the harsh therapy that he's been on for the past year.
I have a really hard time understanding how Jason is walking, talking, teaching, etc with such a large thing in his brain--it makes no sense. Even the Doctors are surprised by his functioning level. They said that he is in the top 1% of their patients in regards to functioning level especially with the size of the tumor and the amount of swelling. So we will choose to focus on the positives of the situation rather than dwell on the negatives. I won't lie--there are a lot of thoughts running through my mind & many of them are not so great, but I also know that we have a God that wraps His loving arms around us and catches every tear. He will be our Strength!