Friday, March 23, 2012

These past few weeks have been an absolute blessing from our God--don't you agree? The weather has been magnificent--He knows what sunshine and warmth does for me and He's given it at just the perfect time. But the weather has not been the only blessing. What a great few weeks we've had with friends and family. The ability to reconnect with people we haven't seen in years and literally pick up where we "left off" is awesome!!! We got to spend a fantastic day & night with one of Jason's closest friends (Matt, we love you), a few weeks ago--he flew up for the weekend and got to see Easton put on a show at his hockey tournament. We then met up with a bunch of other friends that evening at BWW's. I smiled, laughed, cried, and repeated that series many times that night--I am so grateful for our friends!

Easton had a few hockey games and tournaments after we got back from the cruise. It is amazing how much he has improved. He's a terrific skater, knows the game, and works hard--that makes me proud! Hockey is now over, and we are gearing up for baseball & softball. Cannot wait!

At the beginning of March, we headed down to Ohio and stayed with Jason's college roommate and his family (Matt & Annie). Just like old times! They hosted a great day--many of Jason's Wright State baseball teammates & friends came out. My college roommates came too--Michelle & Chris--this meant the world to me. Nobody has really changed, yet they have changed--does that make sense? Much love to each of you!!!

We've taken on the project of redoing our bathrooms--I've had some extra time on my hands and needed to keep myself busy so we are 3/4 way complete on the first bathroom. It looks great, and I have to give a huge shout out to our friend,Troy, & Jason's dad, Dennis! We thank you immensely for your help :)

Taylor has joined the Girls on the Run program this spring at her school. It's an awesome program. Their mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. They will run a 5k in May. I told Taylor that I would run it with her---gulp!!! So, together, we are training for this! Should be a great way for us to connect and do something good for ourselves at the same time.

Jason is feeling good. He had a MRI last week, and it was stable--this means no changes from the last scan in January. We praise God for this!!!

Well, I'm off to enjoy another beautiful day! Hugs to each of you, Jos


ZFam said...

Thanks for the update, Joslyn! Thinking of all of you and praying for you often! Will continue to pray for peace for you...and lots more wonderful family memories! Enjoyed sneaking a peak of your family photos on facebook--so many great shots!

Barb and Mike said...

Just want to say you are truly amazing and an inspiration to us all. Have a great Easter weekend as we celebrate the reason for our future hope!
Love and prayers,
Barb and Mike