Saturday, May 10, 2008

I tell you--everywhere I go, everything I see and everything I hear seems to have cancer involved. I can't get away from it and it is driving me crazy. I don't know if it's always been this way or if I am just that much more aware of it now that Jason has it. My heart absolutely breaks for Leslie and Tyson right now--they know that God is with them and that He has the ultimate plan for Leslie, however, that knowledge doesn't make it any easier to deal with the fact that she has an uncurable disease that is attacking her body right now. I have been praying for those two over the course of the last two days and I ask our Lord to give them His peace-the only true peace that is beyond our comprehension. Please keep this family in your prayers as they begin the process of beating the cancer once again.

As you all can imagine, my mind has been racing the last couple of days. Often asking myself "when is the rain going to start pouring over us again" Jason is feeling good right now and I can't imagine having to hear the words "it's growing or it's moved to other areas". I know that I should not be thinking this way, but honestly, it is very hard for me not to. His cancer is still there and they can't remove it. My only hope is in God providing that awesome miracle of completely taking the tumor away with no way of explaining it--I do pray for this miracle but I also try to remember maybe that is not how God wants to be glorified in this. He has a plan and I know this--it's just really hard not knowing what His plan is. I have never been very good at waiting for things and this is no different for me. I need your prayers. Please ask our Lord for Him to take this worry away from me, to help me not dwell on the negatives but to see the magnificent blessings that he has given to me, and to give me the patience that I need to be able to wait for God's timing and not my timing. Thank you my friends. Joslyn


Anonymous said...

Hi Joslyn, It's hard for all of us to live in the present moment and not think "yes but" or "what if." I have been praying for you about this since you posted. Please remember that I am always here with a good listening ear. Janis

Anonymous said...

Joslyn I have never written to you on your life right now but I can completely understand your questions, doubts and such. I too had a husband diagnosed with stage 4 cancer last May. We both fought as hard as we could and God did see fit to give me some of the most quality time I could ever had with Mike. He was only 45 and such a zell for life!!!!!!!! I honestly believe God asked him to come home before the suffering got to the point where we could not communicate together. Please know my prayers and heart are with you all at this time and God can work miracles!!!!!!!!! I like to think he needed Mike as his right hand soldier up there. I am always available to listen to and lend a shoulder or hand. please don't hesitate to contact me.

angela said...

okay, friend, i will pray for that. in Christ alone our hope is found and i will testify that HE HAS been glorified so far in all of this. you and jason have had a huge impact on soooooo many people because of your incredible attitudes and responses! keep seeking the face of Christ and you will not disappoint Him; you will glorify Him!

Jamie said...

Hi Joslyn-Kristin showed me your blog and I just wanted to say that your family will be in my prayers. Your kids are so adorable! I was in Archbold this weekend and saw that red car still sitting in your driveway and thought of you :) (selgo)