Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just waiting for treatments to begin

Good morning. Jason got his stitches removed yesterday and they said that his incision is healing up nicely. We also met with Dr. Hurtubise, medical oncologist, to discuss the Temodar (chemotherapy) that Jason will start taking the day that radiation begins. We believe radiation will begin tomorrow, we just don't know what time yet. They will most likely call us today and let us know what time to be there. Jason will have radiation treatments Mon. - Fri. for 6 weeks. During this time, he will be taking Temodar 7 days a week for the full 6 weeks as well. It is working out just right in order for our family to go on our vacation to Cancun that we have had planned for sometime now. We are definitely excited that we are going to be able to go.

Jason is doing wonderful and his spirits are up. He is such an amazing man. You would never know from his attitude or mental status that he has just recently been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. I thank God for Jason daily and that he is the man that he is. Jason is one of the most positive people that I have ever met--sometimes I just don't get it:) He has always been the one in our family that keeps the rest of us sane during difficult periods of time and he definitely is doing that now as well. If any of you know me personally, you know that I get stressed quite easily. I must admit though--God has been very good to me over the last few weeks and he has allowed me to have some peace throughout this and has allowed me to sleep--which is a very good thing. I do have to say that I am having a hard time thinking of anything else but this which is very annoying. My body has been as stiff as a board as well. Other than that, I am doing good.

The kids are doing great. Many of you have asked how the kids are doing. The kids are too young to realize anything too major. They knew that dad was in the hospital and that the doctors had to look at his brain. Other than that, they have just been having fun with their aunts, uncles, cousins especially Beau and Tana, and grandmas & grandpas.

God bless your day.


Anonymous said...

Joselyn, I just talked to Sue at YPI and she gave me your address so that I could send you a book that has been very helpful and inspirational to me during recovery. It will be coming from Amazon. Enjoy. Janis

angela said...

praise the Lord for such an amazing husband!! what a blessing he is! i will continue to pray for your family! may the Lord be glorified!

Anonymous said...

We are keeping all of you in our prayers and you are in my thoughts constantly ~ miracles happen every day!
email me your address when you get a chance.
God Bless~ Carrie

Unknown said...

Jay and Jos~ It was great hanging out with you guys last week. It is amazing how strong you both are! You are a wonderful couple and we are so lucky to have you as our friends. You are in our thoughts and prayers and continue to inspire us daily. Let us know if you need anything or if you want to get together. We love you guys!! ~Trever, Kalli and girls